The descent of the Morava river

Experience a great ride on an uncrowded river!

The Morava River is navigable in the section from Hanušovice to Olomouc, which is about 100 km. The Hanušovice - Postřelmov section is not passable all year round due to lack of water. However, you can sail from Postřelmov to Olomouc all year round. This section is about 70 km long and can be driven in 3-4 days. There are many possibilities in Moravia for boarding and exiting the river. The individual points are arranged on the river so that the whole river can be used to the maximum, from day trips to a week-long cruise. Along the river, paddlers have a number of campsites with quality facilities.

From Moravia you can expect a fast flowing river in a rocky riverbed, quiet sections above weirs and unique meanders in the environment of floodplain forests and the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area, which is clearly the most beautiful section. The most dangerous section is the one leading from Hanušovice to Postřelmov, it is recommended only for experienced paddlers.